Barbara P.
Barbara P.

Balancing Academic Integrity and the Use of Essay Writing Services

4 min read

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Jul 16, 2023

Academic Integrity and Essay Writing Services

As students, we are all familiar with the pressure to succeed academically.

With deadlines looming and grades on the line, it can be tempting to turn to essay writing services for a quick solution. 

However, the use of these services should be done carefully without harming academic integrity. But how can you achieve this balance?

In this blog, we will explore the delicate balance between the convenience of writing services and the importance of maintaining academic integrity. We will learn about essay writing services and their pros and cons. 

Moreover, we will provide some practical tips for students on how to use essay writing services while upholding academic integrity

So let’s dive in! 

What are Essay Writing Services?

Essay writing services are online platforms that offer custom-written academic papers to students for a fee. These services allow students to order essays and other academic assignments that are tailored to their specific requirements. 

Essay writing services also provide proofreading and editing services for students. They work by connecting students with professional and experienced writers who are experts in their discipline. These experts work according to the student's requirements within a given deadline.

The popularity of essay writing services has increased in recent years due to the rise in demand for academic assistance. However, the ethics of using these services for academic help is often debated. 

Let's talk about the implications of these services for academic integrity.

Academic Integrity and the Use of Essay Writing Services

Academic integrity is the practice of maintaining honesty and ethical behavior in academic work. It encompasses values such as honesty, trust, fairness, and responsibility. Academic integrity is essential in higher education, as it ensures that students are evaluated fairly and accurately.

Using essay writing services can be considered a form of academic dishonesty because:

  • It involves outsourcing academic work to someone else, which goes against the principles of academic honesty and personal responsibility. As the student is not completing the assignment themselves. 
  • It can also be seen as a form of cheating and plagiarism. As the student is submitting work that they did not create themselves.
  • The use of essay writing services also raises ethical implications. They can take advantage of students who are under pressure and may not fully understand the consequences of using such services.
  • Additionally, the quality of the work produced by these services may not be up to the expected academic standard. This can lead to a lack of learning and a false sense of achievement.
  • Moreover, the use of essay writing services can undermine the credibility of academic institutions. It could also devalue the achievements of students who have completed their work honestly. 
  • It can also have long-term consequences for students. As they may not develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their future careers.

While essay writing services may seem like a convenient solution for students, they could pose an ethical problem.

It is important for students to understand the potential consequences of using these services and to use them responsibly.

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How to Balance Academic Integrity and the Use of Essay Writing Services

Maintaining academic integrity while using essay writing services is possible. Here are some tips for students on how to balance the use of essay writing services with academic integrity:

  • Use Essay Writing Services as a Last Resort

Students should only use essay writing services as a last resort when they have exhausted all other options. They should try to complete the assignment themselves, seek help from tutors or professors, or use online resources. 

If they are still unable to find enough time or confidence in their writing skills, only then approach an online writing service.

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  • Use Essay Writing Services for Guidance

Instead of outsourcing the entire assignment, students can use writing services to help them understand the requirements and structure of the assignment. This can help them to complete the assignment themselves while still receiving guidance from the service.

  • Use Reputable Essay Writing Services

Students should research and choose reputable essay writing services that have a track record of producing high-quality work. 

They should read reviews and testimonials from previous clients and read samples provided by the service. You should ensure that the service is reliable and trustworthy.

  • Do Not Submit the Paper as your Own 

If a student uses an essay writing service, they should ensure that they do not submit the work as their own. 

They should read and understand the paper and make any necessary changes to ensure that it is in their own words.

  • Be Clear About your Expectations

When using an essay writing service, communicate clearly your expectations to the writer. Clarify that you want them to work within the established academic guidelines and standards. 

You should ensure that the service offers real essay help instead of plagiarized and re-used essays. 

To Sum Up,

Using essay writing services can be a valuable tool for enhancing your writing skills and achieving academic success. 

However, it's important to balance the benefits of using these services with maintaining academic integrity. 

To achieve this balance, it's essential to choose a reliable and reputable essay writing service. Remember that the ultimate goal of academic writing is to produce thoughtful work that demonstrates your learning of the subject matter. 

Use our writing services online responsibly and ethically, and you can achieve academic success while maintaining your integrity as a student.

Barbara P.


Barbara P. (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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