John K.
John K.

APA Style and Plagiarism: How to Avoid Accidental Plagiarism

4 min read

Published on: Aug 23, 2023

Last updated on: Sep 8, 2023

APA Style & Plagiarism

Academic writing is an essential aspect of the educational journey. It includes maintaining ethical standards of writing that are crucial for the integrity of your work. 

Plagiarism is a common issue in academic writing. It is the act of using someone else's ideas, words, or work without proper acknowledgment. It can lead to severe consequences, including academic penalties and a damaged reputation. 

While intentional plagiarism is an obvious violation of academic ethics, accidental plagiarism can also occur if you're not careful.

In this blog, we will explore the concept of accidental plagiarism and understand how it occurs. We will also learn how to avoid it through the proper implementation of APA format guidelines.

So let’s dive into it!

What is Accidental Plagiarism?

Accidental plagiarism, also known as unintentional plagiarism, happens when a writer inadvertently fails to give appropriate credit to the original source. 

This may occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Misformatting and Improper Citations: Incorrectly citing sources, not using quotation marks when directly quoting, or omitting citations entirely can lead to accidental plagiarism.
  • Paraphrasing without Attribution: Paraphrasing is rephrasing someone else's ideas in your own words, but it still requires proper citation. Failing to give credit to the original author for their ideas, even if you've rephrased them, can be considered accidental plagiarism.
  • Unclear Use of Common Knowledge: Some information is considered common knowledge and doesn't require citation, like widely accepted facts or general information. However, what constitutes common knowledge can vary, leading to unintentional plagiarism.

The Role of APA Style in Preventing Accidental Plagiarism

APA style is a widely used formatting and citation style in academic writing, especially in the fields of psychology, social sciences, and education. 

It provides a clear set of rules for formatting papers and citing sources, making it an invaluable tool in preventing accidental plagiarism. Here's how the APA style can help:

  • In-text Citations: APA style requires in-text citations for all paraphrased and directly quoted material. By providing proper attribution within the text, you ensure that your readers know the source of the information.
  • Reference List: APA style mandates a comprehensive reference list at the end of your document. This list includes all the sources you cited in your paper, allowing readers to find the original sources easily.
  • Quotation Marks: When directly quoting a source, APA style necessitates the use of quotation marks. This distinction helps differentiate between your own words and the words of others.
  • Paraphrasing Guidelines: APA style offers guidelines for proper paraphrasing to ensure you rephrase information correctly while still giving credit to the original author.

Tips to Avoid Accidental Plagiarism

Here are some useful tips that will help you avoid accidental plagiarism in your writing.

Tip 1: Take Notes and Save Your Sources

Begin your research and writing process early, allowing ample time for proper citation. Take careful notes and include all relevant source information. This will make it easier to find when you need it for reference later. 

This method can help you avoid accidental plagiarism by keeping track of where you got your ideas. 

Tip 2: Understand APA Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with the APA style guidelines for in-text citations, references, and formatting. Refer to the official APA style manual for detailed instructions.

This will help you avoid accidental plagiarism that occurs due to wrong citations. When you know the rules and follow them correctly, you lower the chances of accidental plagiarism.

Tip 3: Use Citation Tools

Take advantage of citation management tools, such as EndNote or Zotero, to organize and format your references correctly. This minimizes the chances of human error that is there in manually editing your citations.

Tip 4: Review and Edit

Before submitting your work, review your paper thoroughly to ensure all sources are appropriately cited. Check for any overlooked citations or quotations.

Tip 5: Ask for Feedback

Have a peer, professor, or writing center review your work. Fresh eyes can help identify any accidental plagiarism you might have missed.

To sum up,

Accidental plagiarism can have serious consequences for your academic and professional career. Understanding how it occurs, primarily through misformatting and improper citation, is essential for avoiding this ethical issue. 

By implementing APA style guidelines in your writing, you can prevent accidental plagiarism and maintain the integrity of your work. Remember, academic honesty is not just a responsibility - it's a reflection of your commitment to learning and respecting the work of others in the scholarly community. 

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John K.


John K. (Research)

John K. holds a doctorate in management sciences, making him an expert on the subject matter. John is known for his opinions and knowledge, and he gives keynote speeches and runs workshops on a variety of writing and publishing-related subjects. He has also published articles in several online publications.

John K. holds a doctorate in management sciences, making him an expert on the subject matter. John is known for his opinions and knowledge, and he gives keynote speeches and runs workshops on a variety of writing and publishing-related subjects. He has also published articles in several online publications.

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