Betty P
Betty P

Book Report Character Analysis: Dissecting Antagonist and Protagonists

5 min read

Published on: Sep 5, 2023

Last updated on: Sep 8, 2023

book report character analysis

Many students find it hard to write interesting character analyses in their book reports, ending up with basic and unexciting reports.

Not going deep into character analysis means missing out on understanding the characters and their impact on the story.

In this blog, we'll show you an easy way to understand character analysis. You'll learn important tips and see examples that will help you write insightful book reports.

Let's start!

Character Analysis Book Report

A character analysis book report is a type of writing where you examine the characters in a book. You study their personalities and behaviors, and how they evolve throughout the story. 

The main goal is to understand their impact on the plot and themes. This helps you connect with the characters and appreciate the author's skills. It also improves your ability to think critically about the characters in the story. 

By doing this, you gain a deeper understanding of the book and its characters.

Key Elements of Character Analysis for Book Reports

Character analysis involves examining various aspects to understand them better. Here are the essential elements to consider when writing a character analysis book report:

  • Physical and External Traits: Start by observing the character's appearance and how they present themselves to others. Look for details like their age, gender, clothing, and any unique physical features. These traits can give us clues about the character's background and personality.
  • Personality and Behavior Traits: Dive into the character's personality and how they behave throughout the story. Are they brave, kind, or cunning? Do they have any habits or quirks? Understanding their traits helps us connect with the character and see how they contribute to the plot.
  • Motivations and Goals: Explore the character's desires and reasons for their actions. What do they want to achieve? Understanding their motivations helps us grasp their decisions and the impact they have on the story's direction.
  • Character Development Throughout the Story: Pay attention to how the character changes and grows as the plot unfolds. Do they learn from their experiences or make the same mistakes? Tracking their development helps us appreciate their journey in the book.

By analyzing these key elements, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the characters and be able to write more insightful book reports.

Two Major Types of Characters in Book Reports

When writing a book report, understanding the two major types of characters is essential for crafting an insightful analysis:

1. Protagonists

In your book report, focus on the main character, the protagonist. They are the central figure, and the entire story revolves around them. 

Describe their role in the plot and how their journey unfolds throughout the book. Highlight their growth and development as they face challenges and learn valuable lessons.

Show how their decisions impact the story's direction and contribute to its resolution.

2. Antagonists

The antagonist is the character who opposes the protagonist. In your book report, explore the motives and actions of this character as they create conflict and tension for the protagonist. 

Explain how the antagonist's actions present obstacles that the main character must overcome. Understanding the role of the antagonist is crucial to providing a comprehensive analysis of the book's conflicts and dynamics.

By analyzing both characters in your book report, you'll present a well-rounded evaluation of the characters' significance in driving the story.

Example of Character Analysis

Here is a sample character analysis for the story's protagonist and antagonist:

Title: "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

A. Protagonist Analysis - Jean Louise "Scout" Finch:

Scout Finch, the young and curious protagonist, narrates the story. She is a tomboy with a strong sense of justice. Throughout the novel, Scout's innocence and inquisitiveness serve as a lens through which we observe the events in Maycomb. Her growth in understanding the complexities of her society and empathy towards others highlight her journey towards maturity.

B. Antagonist Analysis - Bob Ewell:

Bob Ewell is the antagonistic and racist resident of Maycomb. As the accuser in Tom Robinson's trial, he embodies the bigotry and injustice prevalent in the town. His malicious actions, driven by prejudice, escalate tensions and bring about tragic consequences. Ewell's false accusations against Tom Robinson serve as a stark contrast to the integrity and fairness displayed by Atticus Finch.

C. Supporting Character Analysis - Atticus Finch:

Atticus Finch, Scout's father, serves as a moral compass in the novel. A dedicated lawyer, he represents Tom Robinson in the trial and stands for justice and equality. Atticus's unwavering belief in doing what is right, regardless of public opinion, makes him a respected figure in Maycomb. His compassion and wisdom shape Scout's values and guide her understanding of the world.

Expert Tip

Want more sample book reports? Have a look at these book report examples, crafted expertly to help you get started!

Writing an Effective Character Analysis in Your Book Report

A well-crafted character analysis is essential for a compelling book report. Here's how to write one effectively:

Organizing Your Analysis

In your book report, introduce the character you want to analyze and explain their role in the story. 

In the body of your analysis, explore the character's personality, traits, motivations, and how they change throughout the book. Back up your points with evidence from the text. Conclude your analysis by summarizing your main observations.

Using Clear and Concise Language

When writing your character analysis, use simple and clear language so that anyone reading your book report can understand it easily. 

Avoid complicated words or phrases that might confuse your readers.

Incorporating Textual Evidence to Support Your Analysis

To make your character analysis stronger, include quotes or passages from the book that support your points. 

This textual evidence shows that your analysis is based on what actually happens in the story.

Providing Examples and Illustrations for Better Understanding

Use specific examples and illustrations from the book to help your readers grasp the character's traits and actions. 

These examples make the character more relatable and bring depth to your analysis.

By following these tips and avoiding common book report writing mistakes, your analysis will not only impress your readers but help them appreciate the characters.

With this blog, you can efficiently write a character analysis book report. 

But if you need extra support or face time constraints, our expert writers are here to help. You'll get exceptional custom book reports tailored to your requirements through our reliable essay writing service. They have years of experience in report writing and are dedicated to your deadlines.

So, why not let our service assist you? Place your write my book report request now for outstanding reports that will impress!

Betty P


Betty P (Literature)

Betty is a writer and researcher who has a Master's degree in literature. She enjoys working with her clients to provide writing services. Betty is a voracious reader who likes learning new things. She has provided writing services to students of all academic levels and areas of study.

Betty is a writer and researcher who has a Master's degree in literature. She enjoys working with her clients to provide writing services. Betty is a voracious reader who likes learning new things. She has provided writing services to students of all academic levels and areas of study.

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