Cordon J.
Cordon J.

From Memoir to Travelogue: Exploring Different Forms of Descriptive Writing

9 min read

Published on: Aug 3, 2023

Last updated on: Aug 7, 2023

Exploring Different Forms of Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is an essential element of literature that brings stories to life. It allows writers to capture the essence of a moment, a feeling, or a place. 

Moreover, descriptive language is not limited to descriptive essays. In this blog, we will explore the various forms of literature where descriptive writing is commonly used. Through analyzing examples, we will showcase the different techniques writers use to create effective and powerful descriptive writing. 

Whether you're an aspiring writer or a literature enthusiast, this blog will provide you with insights into the art of descriptive writing. It will also inspire you to experiment with it in your own writing. 

So, let's dive into the world of descriptive writing in literature!

Descriptive Writing in Literature

Descriptive writing is an essential element of literature as it engages readers on a sensory level. 

By painting a picture with words, descriptive writing helps readers to better understand the settings and events in literature. 

  • It helps to create a deeper emotional connection between the reader and the characters, setting, and events of the story. 
  • Through descriptive writing, authors can create a more vivid and memorable experience for their readers. It allows them to feel as if they are part of the story. 
  • Moreover, descriptive writing is important in helping readers to understand the author's intended meaning. As it provides crucial details that enable readers to visualize a scene and better comprehend the story's message.

When is Descriptive Writing Used in Literature?

Descriptive writing is commonly used in various forms of literature, these include: 

  • Creative Non-Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Poetry

Each of these forms of literature uses descriptive writing to create a memorable reading experience.

Expert Tip

Descriptive essays are the most common form of descriptive writing. Learn about different types of descriptive essays in our blog.

Lets dive into these different forms of literature and see how they use descriptive writing to their advantage.

Descriptive Writing in Creative Non-Fiction

Creative nonfiction is a genre that combines literary elements with non-fictional accounts of real-life events, people, and places. The genre encompasses a wide range of sub-genres, including, memoirs and travel writing.


A memoir is a form of creative nonfiction that is based on the author's personal experiences, memories, and reflections. Memoirs often focus on a specific period of the author's life or a particular theme or subject. 

The genre is characterized by its first-person point of view and its emphasis on subjective personal experiences and emotions. 

Descriptive writing is essential to memoirs as it helps to create a vivid and compelling portrait of the author's experiences. Descriptive writing is particularly important as it captures the emotional truth of the author's experiences.

Moreover, descriptive writing plays a critical role in helping readers to connect with the author's experiences and emotions. Through vivid details and figurative language, readers get a deeper understanding and appreciation of the author's personal journey.

Examples of Descriptive Writing in Memoirs

Here are two examples of using descriptive writing in memoirs:

Example 1:

An example of effective descriptive writing in a memoir can be seen in Cheryl Strayed's "Wild". She describes the grueling physical and emotional challenges of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. 

She writes: 

"I was a pebble. I was a leaf. I was the jagged branch of a tree. I was nothing to them and they were everything to me." 

Through figurative language, Strayed creates a compelling description of the overwhelming sense of insignificance she felt on the trail.

Example 2:

Another example of good descriptive writing in memoirs can be seen in Jeannette Walls' "The Glass Castle." 

She writes: 

"The desert stretched out before us like a great and endless sea. The sun blazed down on the sand, making it look like it was on fire." 

By using sensory details, Walls creates a vivid description of the harsh and unforgiving environment in which she grew up.


Travel writing is a form of creative nonfiction that involves writing about places and cultures that the author has visited. 

Travel writing is characterized by its emphasis on sensory experiences and the unique perspectives gained from travel. It often focuses on exploring the unfamiliar, discovering hidden gems, and providing insights into local customs and ways of life.

Descriptive writing is crucial to travel writing as it helps to transport readers to the places and cultures being described. The use of sensory details allows readers to experience the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of a particular destination. 

Descriptive writing also helps to evoke a sense of place and atmosphere, creating a portrait of the location being described.

Examples of Descriptive Writing in Travel Writing

Check out these examples of descriptions in travel writing:

Example 1

An example of descriptive writing in travel writing can be seen in Bill Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods." The book is about his experiences hiking the Appalachian Trail. 

"The trees were tall, but I was taller, standing above them on a steep mountain slope in northern California. Moments before, climbing the trail, I had entered the afternoon stillness of the forest, and from far away, atop another mountain, came a sound as faint and as persistent as the one cricket makes." 

Through his use of descriptive language, Bryson creates a vivid and evocative description of the natural beauty of the Appalachian Trail.

Example 2

Another example of descriptive writing in travel writing can be seen in Paul Theroux's "The Great Railway Bazaar." In the book, he describes his experiences traveling by train through Asia. 

A passage reads:

"The train slipped along easily. The engine's regular beat was like a slowly breaking heart. The cars rocked a little and the narrow gauge of the track forced us to lean, ever so slightly, as we went around curves. The same curves, by the way, that the train had gone around a hundred years before." 

Through his use of descriptive language, Theroux creates a vivid and compelling description of the experience of traveling by train.

Descriptive Writing in Fiction

Fiction is a form of creative writing that involves creating imaginary characters, plots, and settings. It can take many forms, including short stories, novels, and novellas. 

Fiction writers use of narrative, dialogue, and description to create a world that is believable, engaging, and emotionally resonant.

Descriptive writing in fiction is crucial as it creates an interesting and engaging experience for the reader. By including sensory details, writers create a rich and detailed picture of the world they have created. Allowing readers to experience the fictional world as if they were there. 

Descriptive writing also helps to create a sense of mood and atmosphere, adding depth and complexity to the world being described.

Examples of Descriptive Writing in Fiction

Here are two examples that will help you understand how descriptive writing works in fiction.

Example 1

One example of effective descriptive writing in fiction can be seen in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." 

Here is how she describes the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: 

"The ceiling was too high to make out, but it was clearly a vast and starry sky, quite different from the ceiling in the Great Hall, which was just bewitched to look like the sky outside." 

Through her use of descriptive language, Rowling creates an enchanting description of Hogwarts, making it feel like a magical place.

Example 2

Descriptive writing in fiction can also be seen in Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea." 

He writes: 

Descriptive writing in fiction can also be seen in Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea." 

He writes: 

"The iridescent bubbles were beautiful. But they were the falsest thing in the sea. They were always a sign of something that was not seen or understood." 

Through using descriptive language, Hemingway creates a vivid poetic description of the sea, capturing its beauty and its mystery.

Expert Tip

Want to get better at using descriptive language in your fiction writing? Read our blog about descriptive writing in fiction to learn more.

Poetry and Descriptive Writing

Poetry is a form of literature that uses language in a creative way to evoke emotion, convey meaning, and create beauty. Poets use various literary devices, including rhyme, imagery, and metaphor, to create a powerful and evocative effect on the reader. 

In poetry, descriptive writing is crucial to creating a powerful and emotionally resonant experience for the reader. Through the use of sensory and evocative language, poets create a powerful emotional response in the reader. 

Through the use of sensory details, imagery, and metaphor, poets can create a world that is rich and complex. The result is a poem that is more beautiful, more meaningful, and more impactful.

Examples of Descriptive Poetry

See the examples below to get an idea of how descriptions work in poetry.

Example 1:

Descriptive writing in poetry can be seen in William Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud." 

"Continuous as the stars that shine  
And twinkle on the Milky Way, 
They stretched in never-ending line 
Along the margin of a bay." 

Wordsworth creates a vivid and beautiful picture of the daffodils, making them seem alive and almost magical.

Example 2

An example of effective descriptive writing in poetry can be found in Langston Hughes' "Dream Deferred." Describing the consequences of unfulfilled dreams, he writes: 

"What happens to a dream deferred? 
Does it dry up 
Like a raisin in the sun?" 

Through his use of vivid imagery, Hughes creates a thought-provoking image of what can happen when dreams are left unfulfilled.

In Conclusion, 

Descriptive writing is a crucial element of literature that allows writers to create vivid experiences for readers. Whether it's in memoirs, travelogues, fiction, or poetry, descriptive writing plays a vital role in making them more engaging and memorable.

We have explored different kinds of literature where descriptive writing is commonly used and saw some examples. By analyzing these examples, you can see the power of descriptive writing in creating emotional resonance and capturing atmosphere and mood.

As writers, you should learn from these examples and experiment with descriptive writing to enhance your own work. By incorporating sensory details, evocative language, and vivid imagery, you can create literature that is more engaging and impactful.

Struggling with writing your descriptive essay? Don't worry! At, we have got expert descriptive essay writers to help you out. Order at our essay writing service to get a 100% original essay in no time.

Cordon J.


Cordon J. (Literature)

Cordon J. is an accomplished author and writing consultant. With years of experience in the publishing industry, he is well-equipped to provide excellent writing services and digital content. His own literary journey started with a focus on linguistics, something he continues to study today. Cordon's outgoing personality makes him a joy to work with. He's always ready and willing to help others reach their potential!

Cordon J. is an accomplished author and writing consultant. With years of experience in the publishing industry, he is well-equipped to provide excellent writing services and digital content. His own literary journey started with a focus on linguistics, something he continues to study today. Cordon's outgoing personality makes him a joy to work with. He's always ready and willing to help others reach their potential!

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