Caleb S.
Caleb S.

What Are Ethos, Pathos, and Logos & How to Use Them in Analytical Writing

11 min read

Published on: Jul 21, 2023

Last updated on: Aug 9, 2023

Ethos Pathos Logos

Are you looking for ways to make your writing more impactful? Do you feel like you're missing something that could take your essays to the next level?

This blog is here to help you master the art of using rhetorical appeals to boost your arguments. With clear explanations and examples, we'll guide you through the three modes of rhetoric. We’ve even got some tips to help you incorporate them into your writing. 

From basics to the details, this blog has everything you need to write great, compelling essays.

So, let's dive in and take your analytical writing skills to the next level!

What Each Rhetorical Device Is? 

Ethos, pathos, and logos are tools used in analytical essays to persuade people. They have been used for a long time in historical and literal analogies to convince audiences. 

  • Ethos is used to make the audience trust the author. 
  • Pathos is used to make the audience feel an emotional connection to the argument. 
  • Logos are used to provide evidence and facts to support the argument.

Other than ethos, pathos, and logos, kairos is another appeal that takes advantage of the right timing and context to deliver a convincing message.

3 logical Appeals -

Using these devices in an argument aims to appeal to people's emotions, reasoning, and trust in the author. These are also commonly used in literary works. Analyzing these literary devices helps the reader identify the deeper meaning and purpose of the work.

If used well, these modes of persuasion can make the audience more likely to agree with the argument. Different types of analytical essays may need different rhetorical devices.

Let's look at each of these devices in detail.


Ethos is an important part of rhetoric writing and speaking. It refers to the credibility and authority of the author or speaker. 

How does it work?

When the audience believes that the author or speaker is credible and trustworthy, they are more likely to accept their argument.

Examples of Ethos

Ethos can include the author's professional or personal experience in a particular field. It can refer to their education or their reputation in the community. 

Example 1: Elon Musk's credibility in the tech industry

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has established himself as a credible and authoritative figure in the tech industry due to his successful ventures and groundbreaking innovations. His ethos as a leader and innovator has helped him gain trust and support from investors, customers, and even governments. For example, when Musk announced plans to develop a high-speed transportation system known as the Hyperloop, many people were willing to invest in the project because of Musk's track record of success in the tech industry.

Example 2: Dr. Fauci's credibility in health care

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is a renowned immunologist and has been a leading voice in the fight against COVID-19. He has spent decades working in public health and has advised multiple presidents on various infectious disease outbreaks. His expertise and experience in the field of infectious diseases establish his ethos and make him a credible source of information for the public regarding COVID-19. His guidance and recommendations are trusted by millions of people, and his ethos plays a crucial role in convincing people to follow public health guidelines and get vaccinated.

Tips for Using Ethos in Your Writing 

Creating credibility without sounding self-promotional takes a lot of skill. Here are some tips to avoid creating logical fallacies while using ethos:

Use language that shows respect and understanding for opposing viewpoints, while still asserting your own argument.
Avoid using overly emotional or biased language that can undermine your credibility.
Use language that conveys your expertise and knowledge on the topic, such as technical terms or industry jargon.

How to Look for the Use of Ethos in a Writing 

  • Look for the Author's Credentials
    To detect ethos in any writing, start by looking for instances where the author establishes their authority. 
  • Watch for Words that Show Trustworthiness
    Words like "research shows" or "studies have proven" can show the author's reliability. Also, citing sources, using data or statistics can enhance the author's credibility.
  • Pay Attention to the Tone
    An author's tone can convey ethos, so look for a confident and professional tone. A balanced and rational tone can add to the author's credibility, while an overly emotional tone can weaken it.

Check out this video showing the use of ethos in an advertisement


Pathos appeals to the emotions of the audience. By using vivid language, writers can make their audience feel a certain way, whether it's sadness, joy, anger, or fear. 

Its often used in advertising and political speeches to persuade the audience to take action or support a cause.

Example of Pathos 

Here are some examples of how pathos can be used in a speech or advertisement:

Example 1: Winston Churchill's "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech

One example of a speech that uses pathos is Winston Churchill's "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech. In this speech, Churchill uses emotional language to appeal to the British people's sense of patriotism and determination in the face of adversity. He also uses vivid imagery to paint a picture of the stakes involved in the war and the sacrifices that must be made. For example, he says, "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."  This language creates a sense of unity in the face of a common enemy, which is a classic example of pathos.

Example 2: Charity appeals

Charity appeals often use pathos to tug at the heartstrings of potential donors. One example is the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which features ads with sick children and their families. The ads use emotional language to persuade people to donate money for medical treatment for children in need. One ad says, "No child should die in the dawn of life," while another states, "Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food - because all they should worry about is helping their child live." These appeals use language that evokes the viewers' emotions and values, urging them to take action and donate to a worthy cause.

Expert Tip

Need more examples? Check out these analytical essay examples and get a better idea about performing critical analysis!

Tips for Using Pathos in Your Writing 

The goal of using pathos is to create an emotional connection between the reader and your argument, making it more relatable.

Here are some tips for incorporating pathos in essay writing:

  • Use emotional language that appeals to the reader's feelings and values.
  • Be genuine and authentic in your writing, as readers can usually sense when emotions are being manipulated.
  • Consider the tone of your writing and how it might affect the reader's emotions.

How to Detect Pathos in Any Writing 

  • Look for Emotional Language
    Pay attention to language that evokes emotions such as sadness, anger, sympathy, or joy. Words and phrases like "heart-wrenching," "inspiring," "outrageous," or "delightful" can signal the author's use of pathos.
  • Use of Vivid Descriptions
    Authors may use vivid descriptions, metaphors, or anecdotes to create an emotional connection with the reader. Look for phrases that paint a picture in the reader's mind or use sensory language to describe a scene or event.
  • Tone and Mood
    Pathos can also be detected in the overall tone of the writing. Uplifting, inspiring, or positive tones may evoke feelings of hope or joy, while depressing or negative tones may evoke feelings of sadness or anger.

Have a look at this video to better understand the use of pathos


Logos is a technique that appeals to the audience's sense of logic and reasoning. It is used to provide evidence and facts to support an argument and make it more convincing.

Examples of Logos 

Instances of logos can include statistics, research findings, and logical arguments. 

Example 1: A Nutrition Article

A nutrition article explaining the benefits of a plant-based diet uses logos. The article presents scientific research and evidence to support the argument that plant-based diets can lead to better health outcomes. The author cites studies showing that a plant-based diet can lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The article also includes specific examples of plant-based foods that provide essential nutrients and vitamins. By using logic and scientific evidence, the article appeals to readers' sense of reason and encourages them to consider adopting a plant-based diet for their health.

Example 2: Nutrition Labels on Food Packaging

Nutrition labels on food packaging use logos to appeal to consumers' logic and reasoning. These labels provide information such as the number of calories, the amount of fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and other nutritional content. By providing this information, consumers can make informed decisions about what they eat and how it affects their health. The use of logos in this context helps to convince people to choose healthier options based on the evidence and data provided in the label.

Tips to Use Logos Effectively 

Incorporating logos in your writing means using logic and evidence to persuade your audience. Here are some tips to use logos:

Start by conducting research to gather credible and relevant evidence to support your arguments.
Use logical reasoning to connect your evidence to your thesis statement and the overall argument.
Use statistics, facts, and data to support your claims and arguments.

How to Look for Logos in Any Writing 

Seek Evidence to Support Claims
Logos also involves providing evidence to back up claims. This may be in the form of statistics, research studies, expert opinions, or other sources. Look for writing that uses evidence to support its claims.

Check for Logical Reasoning
Logos relies on sound reasoning that makes connections between different ideas. Look for writing that uses cause-and-effect relationships, analogies, or comparisons to explain complex ideas.

Evaluate the Overall Argument
When evaluating logos, consider the overall argument being made. Does it make sense? Is it convincing? Does it follow a logical train of thought? These questions can help you assess the strength of the writer's argument. 

Take a look at this video utilizing logos

Using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Together 

Using pathos, logos ethos in your piece of writing can make your arguments stronger and more convincing.

They all work together to create a cohesive and convincing argument that can appeal to the reader's emotions, logic, and credibility. 

By using all three techniques, you can build a strong case that is difficult to refute. 

Some of history's most famous speeches have utilised these appeals such as Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream".

Example of Using Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Together 

Here is an example text that uses the right mix of all three rhetorical techniques:

As a certified physician, I can attest to the importance of getting vaccinated. The COVID-19 vaccine is a critical tool in our fight against the pandemic. Not only does it protect individuals from severe illness and hospitalization, but it also helps us achieve herd immunity, which is crucial in stopping the spread of the virus.

Ethos: The speaker, a physician, uses their professional expertise to establish credibility and authority on the topic of vaccination.

Pathos: By highlighting the severity of illness and hospitalization, the speaker evokes emotions such as fear and urgency.

Logos: The speaker explains the importance of vaccine by saying that it saves individuals from severe illness and help achieve herd immunity. This argument about the importance of vaccines appeals to the logic of the readers.

In conclusion, ethos, pathos, and logos are powerful tools that you can use to enhance your arguments. By understanding these rhetorical appeals and how they work, you can become a more critical writer.

If you're still unsure about these techniques, feel free to contact our reliable essay writing service for help.

Our team of experienced writers can craft custom essays that effectively utilize these techniques to make your writing stand out. 

So, don't miss your chance of submitting a top-quality essay. Contact our analytical essay writing service and order now!

Caleb S.


Caleb S. (Literature)

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

Caleb S. has extensive experience in writing and holds a Masters from Oxford University. He takes great satisfaction in helping students exceed their academic goals. Caleb always puts the needs of his clients first and is dedicated to providing quality service.

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