Cordon J.
Cordon J.

Tips and Tricks To Enhance Your Descriptive Essays

10 min read

Published on: Aug 3, 2023

Last updated on: Aug 5, 2023

Tips for Writing Vivid Descriptive Essays

Have you ever read a descriptive essay where the descriptions felt flat or lacked in detail or emotion?

This is a common problem that many writers face when attempting to write descriptive essays. Are you also facing the same problem in your writing?

Don’t worry! There is an effective way to improve your descriptive writing skills!

In this blog, we'll discuss seven tips and techniques that will help you write vivid descriptive essays. By following these tips, you'll be able to create a clear, engaging, and immersive experience for your readers. 

So, let's get started and take your descriptive essays to the next level!

Tip #1: Use Sensory Descriptions Effectively

Sensory details are descriptions that appeal to the five senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Using sensory descriptions in an effective way is essential for creating an engaging essay.

When using sensory details in your descriptive writing, it's important to choose details that are relevant to the scene being described. 

Examples of the Use of Sensory Details

For example, if you're describing a forest, you might focus on

  • The sound of leaves rustling in the wind 
  • The smell of pine trees 
  • And the feeling of soft moss underfoot

That is, your descriptions should be relevant and accurate to the scene.

Other examples of sensory details are: 

  • The sound of birds chirping, 
  • The smell of freshly baked bread, 
  • The sight of a golden sunset, 
  • The taste of sweet honey, 
  • The feeling of cool water on your skin. 

These descriptions create a more vivid and detailed image in the reader's mind, making the scene feel more real and tangible.

Learn the practical techniques of using sensory details in your descriptive writing in our blog.

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Why Use Sensory Details in Descriptive Writing?

By using sensory details, writers can transport their readers to the scene, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the experience. Moreover, these descriptions also engage the reader's imagination, creating a more emotional connection to the writing. 

They also make the writing more memorable. As readers are more likely to remember details that they have experienced through their senses.

Tip #2: Choose Strong Adjectives and Verbs

Strong adjectives and verbs can better convey the writer's intended emotion, tone, and attitude toward the subject they are describing. 

Adjectives and verbs are an essential part of descriptive language, as they specify the qualities of the subject being described.

You should choose adjectives and verbs that are most relevant to the scene or experience being described. The writer should also consider the tone and emotion they want to convey and select words that reflect that. 

For instance,

If the writer is describing a serene, peaceful landscape, they may choose adjectives like:

  • Tranquil 
  • Calm 
  • Serene

On the other hand, if the writer is describing a chaotic scene, they may choose verbs like:

  • Frantic 
  • Panic
  • Chaos 

Using Strong Adjectives and Verbs - Examples

Weak adjectives and verbs are those that lack specificity, and they often result in vague, uninteresting descriptions. 

For example, 

Instead of using the weak adjective "nice," you could use a more specific adjective like "charming," "delightful," or "enchanting". 


Instead of using a weak verb like "walk," you could use a more descriptive verb like: 

"Stroll," "stride," or "saunter".

Advantages of Choosing Strong Verbs and Adjectives

By using strong adjectives and verbs, you can help the reader to better understand the scene, object, or experience being described. 

These descriptive words create a more precise image in the reader's mind, allowing them to fully engage with the writing.

Overall, using strong adjectives and verbs is a critical component of writing vivid and engaging descriptive essays. By selecting words that accurately convey the scene and your emotions, you can significantly improve the reader's experience. 

Tip #3: Using Figurative Language

Metaphors and similes are powerful tools that writers can use to create unique descriptions. 

They are forms of figurative language that help to create comparisons between two unlike things. This allows the reader to see the subject being described in a new and unexpected way.

When using metaphors and similes, it's important to choose comparisons that are relevant to the subject being described. It should also be appropriate for the intended tone and emotion of the writing. 

In addition, overusing metaphors and similes can have the opposite effect, making the writing feel cliched or contrived.

Examples of Metaphors and Similies in Descriptive Writing

Metaphors are comparisons that do not use the words "like" or "as." 

For example, 

You might describe a sunset as "a fiery ball of gold sinking beneath the horizon." Creating a comparison between the sun and a ball of fire. 

Similes, on the other hand, are comparisons that use the words "like" or "as." 

For example, 

Describing a baby's skin as "soft as a rose petal." 

Why Use Figurative Language in Descriptive Essays

Metaphors and similes help to create a more unique and vivid image by making the subject feel more relatable. They can also help to convey the writer's intended emotion or tone towards the subject. 

For example, a writer might use a metaphor to create a more dramatic or romantic image in the reader's mind. Or a simile to create a more playful or whimsical image.

Tip #4: Show, Don't Tell

"Show, don't tell" is a common piece of advice given to writers, particularly those writing descriptive essays. At its core, "show, don't tell" means that: 

Instead of simply telling the reader what a scene looks like, the writer should use vivid details to show the scene. This makes the reader experience it for themselves.

For Example

Instead of saying "She was angry," you could "show" the reader by describing:

"The character's clenched fists, red face, and raised voice" 

This allows the reader to infer that the character is angry. 

Similarly, instead of saying "The house was old," a writer could "show" the reader by describing:

"The peeling paint, creaky floors, and dusty furniture," allowing the reader to infer that the house is old.

Why Use "Show, Don't Tell"?

"Showing" instead of "telling" creates a more immersive experience for the reader. It allows them to fully engage with the writing and feel as though they are experiencing the scene for themselves. 

However, it's important to note that there are times when "telling" can be appropriate. Particularly when the information being conveyed is straightforward or not particularly important to the story. 

For example, a writer may "tell" the reader that a character has blonde hair, rather than "showing" it through lengthy description.

Tip #5: Use Active Voice 

Active and passive voice are two different ways of structuring a sentence. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action. While in passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon.

Using active voice is an important tip for writers looking to improve their descriptive writing.

Examples of How to Use Active Voice

For example, in active voice, you say "The dog chased the ball." On the other hand, it would be "The ball was chased by the dog" in passive voice. 

The first sentence is more direct and engaging, while the second sentence feels more distant and detached. 

Here are some more examples of active vs. passive voice:

Active: The wind rustled the leaves.
Passive: The leaves were rustled by the wind.

Active: The chef prepared the meal.
Passive: The meal was prepared by the chef.

Active: The waves crashed against the shore.
Passive: The shore was crashed against by the waves.

As you can see, the active voice sentence puts emphasis on the subject performing the action. Which makes the writing feel more engaging and dynamic.

Why Prefer Using Active Voice in Descriptive Writing

Using active voice in descriptive writing can help to create a more dynamic and engaging image in the reader's mind. By placing the emphasis on the subject performing the action, the writing feels more immediate and impactful. 

Additionally, active voice can help to create a sense of motion and movement, making the writing feel more active and dynamic.

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Tip #6: Use Varied Sentence Structure

When it comes to writing, sentence structure refers to the way that words are arranged in a sentence. Using a varied sentence structure throughout your essay is important to make your writing engaging.  

Different Sentence Structures

Some different sentence structures include:

  • Simple Sentences: 

These consist of a single independent clause, with no additional clauses or phrases.
Example: The sun was shining brightly.

  • Compound Sentences: 

These consist of two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Example: The sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing in the trees.

  • Complex Sentences: 

These consist of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
Example: Although the sun was shining brightly, the air was still chilly.

  • Compound-Complex Sentences: 

These consist of two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Example: Although the sun was shining brightly, the air was still chilly, so I decided to wear a jacket.

Why Use Varied Sentence Structure?

Using the same sentence structure repeatedly can make the writing feel monotonous and repetitive. By varying the structure of your sentences, you can ensure that your writing is more interesting and engaging for the readers. 

It can also emphasize different aspects in your writing. Such as highlighting key points or creating a sense of rhythm or flow. 

Tip #7: Edit and Revise

Editing and revising are crucial steps in the writing process. Once you have completed a draft of your descriptive essay, it's important to review and refine your work. 

Revising your essay can make a significant difference in your descriptive writing. As the first draft you produce is never perfect, even if you've followed all the tips above.

How to Edit and Revise

Some common mistakes to look out for when editing and revising your descriptive writing include:

  • Grammatical errors: Be sure to check for mistakes in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Look out for commonly confused words and homophones, such as "their" and "there" or "its" and "it's."
  • Repetitive language: Avoid using the same words or phrases repeatedly throughout your essay. Instead, look for opportunities to use synonyms or rephrase your sentences to add variety.
  • Lack of clarity: Make sure that your writing is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using overly complicated language or sentence structures that may confuse the reader.

Moreover, it can be helpful to take a break from your work before returning to it for editing. This can give you fresh perspective and make it easier to identify areas that need improvement.

When reviewing your work, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the message of my essay clear and effectively communicated?
  • Are there any areas where I can add more detail or specificity to my descriptions?
  • Have I avoided common mistakes and errors in my writing?
  • Does my essay flow smoothly and cohesively?

Why are Editing and Revision Necessary?

Editing and revising help to improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. They ensure that your message comes across clearly and effectively. 

By taking the time to edit and revise your work, you ensure that your descriptive writing is clear, effective, and engaging.

In conclusion, 

Writing vivid descriptive essays is a skill that takes practice. By practicing the tips and techniques outlined in this blog, you can significantly improve the quality of your descriptive writing. 

Remember, the goal of descriptive writing is to paint a picture in the reader's mind. So don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. 

With practice and a willingness to refine your work, you can develop the skills you need to create compelling descriptive essays. 

So, take these tips and get started on your next descriptive writing project today!

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Cordon J.


Cordon J. (Literature)

Cordon J. is an accomplished author and writing consultant. With years of experience in the publishing industry, he is well-equipped to provide excellent writing services and digital content. His own literary journey started with a focus on linguistics, something he continues to study today. Cordon's outgoing personality makes him a joy to work with. He's always ready and willing to help others reach their potential!

Cordon J. is an accomplished author and writing consultant. With years of experience in the publishing industry, he is well-equipped to provide excellent writing services and digital content. His own literary journey started with a focus on linguistics, something he continues to study today. Cordon's outgoing personality makes him a joy to work with. He's always ready and willing to help others reach their potential!

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