Barbara P.
Barbara P.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Standout Personal Statement in 8 Steps

23 min read

Published on: Aug 16, 2023

Last updated on: Sep 8, 2023

how to write a personal statement

Writing a personal statement can be overwhelming and stressful. It's challenging to capture your essence in a few words and make a memorable impression.

You may wonder how to stand out from the competition and connect with the reader on a deeper level. Without a compelling personal statement, your application might blend into the sea of others.

Fear not! 

In this guide, we'll guide you through 8 simple steps to craft an exceptional personal statement.

Learn how to portray your best image, convey your willingness to join the college, and leave a lasting impression with our step-by-step guide. 

Transform your application from ordinary to extraordinary and pave your way to success. 

What is a Personal Statement? 

Let's start with the definition first: 

"A personal statement is a concisely written document that provides insight into an individual's personality, achievements, aspirations, and experiences." 

The personal statement is your chance to make a memorable impression and stand out from other applicants. It allows you to share your unique story and highlight what makes you a strong candidate for the opportunity you're seeking.

Unlike a resume or CV, a personal statement delves into the "why" behind your choices, revealing the values and passion that drive you. 

It's an opportunity to showcase your personality, communication skills, and ability to reflect on your experiences and growth.

In the following sections, we'll guide you through the process of creating a compelling personal statement that leaves a lasting impact. 

What Makes a Great Personal Statement?

Crafting a great personal statement requires careful consideration and a compelling approach. Here are five key points that make a personal statement stand out:

  • Authenticity: A great personal statement is authentic and reflects the genuine voice of the applicant. 
  • Relevance: Focus on showcasing experiences and achievements that are directly relevant to the program or position you're applying for. 
  • Clear and Concise: Keep the personal statement clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex language. 
  • Impactful Opening: Grab the reader's attention from the beginning with a compelling opening. 
  • Reflection and Growth: Demonstrating self-reflection and personal growth is crucial. Discuss how your experiences have influenced your character and ambitions.

Steps to Write a Compelling Personal Statement

Crafting a compelling personal statement requires a systematic approach. Follow these steps to create a standout piece that showcases your unique qualities and aspirations.

Step 1: Understand the Purpose

Before you embark on the journey of writing your personal statement, take a moment to understand its purpose. It is also crucial to understand the difference between personal statements and a SOP

The purpose of a personal statement varies depending on the context, such as college admissions, graduate school applications, scholarships, or job opportunities. 

Let's briefly explore each of these purposes and what they might entail:


Key Focus

Elements to Highlight

College Application

- Personality 

- Passions 

- Unique interests and hobbies that showcase your personality 

- Involvement in clubs or organizations that align with the college's values 

Graduate School

- Readiness for advanced studies 

- Research interests

- Previous academic achievements and research experiences 

- Motivation for pursuing further studies and career goals


- Achievements 

- Leadership 

- Alignment with scholarship

- Academic accomplishments and extracurricular involvements 

- Leadership roles and contributions 

Job Opportunities

- Relevant Skills and experiences

- Professional achievements and experiences 

- Key skills and qualifications that match the job requirements

Step 2: Brainstorm and Reflect

Engage in self-reflection and brainstorming to uncover the elements that will shape your compelling personal statement.

  • Reflect on Personal Experiences, Achievements, and Challenges:

Look inward and consider experiences that impacted your life. Reflect on achievements, academic and extracurricular, and how challenges shaped your growth.

  • Identify Key Themes, Values, and Skills:

Find recurring themes and values that define your character. Identify relevant skills that align with your chosen field or career path.

  • Brainstorm Potential Topics and Stories:

Consider significant moments, transformative events, or influential individuals that shaped your journey.

These insights will guide you in crafting a standout personal statement that authentically portrays your unique qualities and aspirations.

Step 3: Make a Structured Outline

A well-structured outline serves as the roadmap for your personal statement, ensuring a logical flow of ideas. 

Organizing your content into sections and subsections will help you stay focused and compellingly present your story.

Here is a Sample Outline:

I. Introduction

A. Engaging Hook: Anecdote about overcoming a challenge
B. Purpose Statement: Clearly state your goals and aspirations
C. Introduce Key Themes: Highlight values and skills relevant to the application

II. Background and Experiences

A. Academic Achievements: Highlight outstanding academic accomplishments
B. Extracurricular Involvement: Showcase leadership roles and contributions
C. Personal Challenges: Discuss hurdles faced and how they shaped you

III. Alignment with the Program/Company

A. Research and Understanding: Demonstrate knowledge of the institution or company
B. Shared Values: Showcase how your goals align with their mission
C. Contributions: Explain how you'll make a positive impact

IV. Reflection and Growth

A. Lessons Learned: Describe how experiences led to personal growth
B. Skills Developed: Highlight skills gained and their relevance
C. Future Aspirations: Explain how this program/job fits into your long-term plans

V. Conclusion

A. Recap Key Points: Summarize the main themes and accomplishments
B. Closing Statement: End with a memorable quote or call to action

This structured outline ensures that your personal statement flows coherently and presents a captivating story of your unique journey. 

Use this roadmap to guide your writing and convey a powerful message that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Expert Tip

Check out our amazing guide on personal statement format to learn more!

Step 4: Develop a Compelling Introduction

The introduction of your personal statement is your opportunity to captivate the reader's attention from the very beginning. 

A compelling opening sets the tone for the entire statement and entices the reader to delve deeper into your story. 

compelling introduction

Here are some effective ways to open your personal statement:

Anecdote or Story

Start with a short, engaging anecdote or story that relates to your journey or a significant moment in your life. This approach immediately draws the reader in and creates an emotional connection.


"As I stood at the edge of the stage, heart pounding and palms sweaty, I never imagined that my fear of public speaking would lead me to discover my passion for inspiring others through the power of words."

Thought-Provoking Question

Begin with a thought-provoking question that encourages the reader to ponder and contemplate your message. The use of descriptive language can really help make an impression.


"What drives a curious mind to explore uncharted territories, pushing beyond the limits of knowledge to make groundbreaking discoveries?"

Quoting a Remarkable Figure

Incorporate a quote from a notable figure or influential person that resonates with your personal journey and goals.


"As Nelson Mandela once said, 'Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.' This mantra has been the guiding force behind my pursuit of knowledge and social impact."

Step 5: Showcase Your Achievements and Experiences

This step is your chance to demonstrate your capabilities and character through your achievements and experiences.


"I consistently achieved top grades and served as the president of the environmental club, leading impactful community initiatives."

  • Describe Experiences that Shaped Your Character: 

Share life-changing events or challenges that influenced your personal growth and aspirations.


 "A volunteer medical mission ignited my passion for global health, driving me to pursue a career in improving healthcare accessibility."

  • Use Specific Examples to Illustrate Your Points: 

Support your achievements and experiences with concrete examples to add authenticity.


"As an intern, I led a successful app launch, enhancing my project management skills and passion for technology's potential."

By effectively showcasing your accomplishments and experiences, you present a compelling portrait of your capabilities and potential. Tailor your content accordingly for a compelling and relevant personal statement for specific colleges.

Step 6: Demonstrate Why You Are Fit For The Program

In this step, you'll demonstrate how well you align with the values and goals of the institution or company you're applying to.

  • Research and Understanding:

Thoroughly research the organization to understand its mission, culture, and values. Show that you've taken the time to know what makes them unique.


"Having extensively researched XYZ University's commitment to fostering innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, I am confident that its vibrant academic community is the perfect environment to nurture my passion for technology and creativity."

  • Contributions:

Explain how your skills and experiences will enable you to make a meaningful contribution to the organization's success.


"As a marketing professional with a proven track record in creating impactful campaigns, I am excited to bring my strategic approach and creative vision to XYZ Marketing Agency, amplifying their clients' brands and driving business growth."

Step 7: Conclude with a Strong Ending

The conclusion of your personal statement is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

 It should bring together the key points of your narrative and reinforce your suitability for the opportunity you're seeking.

 A strong ending should be memorable and inspire confidence in your candidacy.


"As I reflect on my journey, from overcoming my fear of public speaking to leading impactful environmental initiatives, I am more determined than ever to make a positive difference in the world. With unwavering passion and a commitment to continuous growth, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to XYZ University's dynamic academic community. The prospect of engaging in groundbreaking research and collaborating with inspiring minds motivates me to embark on this transformative educational experience. I am ready to embrace every challenge, leveraging my skills and experiences to shape a brighter future for myself and those around me."

Examples Of Personal Statements That Worked 

Looking for inspiration to craft a compelling personal statement?

Here are some examples of successful personal statements that stood out and impressed admissions committees and employers:

  • How To Write A Personal Statement For Masters 

As an aspiring candidate for the Master's program, my academic journey has been a testament to my passion for research and pursuit of excellence. From my undergraduate studies in Computer Science, I have been driven by a relentless curiosity to explore the frontiers of artificial intelligence. Witnessing how AI has transformed industries and positively impacted lives, I am determined to contribute to this transformative field.

Throughout my undergraduate years, I actively engaged in research projects, seeking opportunities to delve deeper into AI algorithms and machine learning techniques. One particularly rewarding experience was working on a team project that developed an AI-powered healthcare diagnostic tool. Witnessing the potential to revolutionize healthcare through technology reaffirmed my commitment to contribute meaningfully to this domain.

To further develop my skills, I pursued internships with tech giants where I collaborated on cutting-edge AI projects. My time at XYZ Inc. exposed me to real-world challenges, refining my ability to address complex problems with innovative solutions. Additionally, working with a diverse team expanded my cross-cultural awareness, fostering an appreciation for collaborative and inclusive environments.

Beyond academics, I have been an active participant in the AI community, attending conferences and workshops to stay abreast of the latest advancements. Being part of these events provided me with invaluable networking opportunities, enabling me to interact with leading researchers and industry professionals. Such interactions have shaped my perspective on the vast possibilities AI offers and motivated me to contribute to the field's continued growth.

As I embark on my journey toward a Master, I am eager to join the esteemed program at ABC University. The program's reputation for fostering an intellectually stimulating environment and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration aligns seamlessly with my aspirations. I am excited to engage with distinguished faculty and peers, further honing my research skills and expanding my horizons.

Beyond the academic sphere, I am eager to actively contribute to the university community, participating in AI-focused clubs and initiatives. By fostering an atmosphere of knowledge-sharing and creativity, I hope to inspire others to explore the potential of AI in solving global challenges.

In conclusion, my fervent desire to advance the frontiers of artificial intelligence, coupled with my research experience and passion for innovation, motivates me to pursue a Masters's degree. I am confident that the rigorous academic environment at ABC University will empower me to make significant contributions to the field and leave a positive impact on society. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed faculty and like-minded peers, creating a brighter future through the transformative power of AI.

  • How To Write A Personal Statement For Grad School

As an aspiring candidate for graduate school, my academic journey has been a testament to my passion for research and pursuit of excellence. Throughout my undergraduate studies in Chemistry, I have been driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the mysteries of the natural world. Witnessing how scientific advancements positively impact society, I am determined to contribute meaningfully to the field of chemical research.

During my undergraduate years, I actively engaged in research projects, seeking opportunities to delve deeper into organic chemistry and nanotechnology. One particularly rewarding experience was my involvement in a team project that developed a novel drug delivery system. Witnessing the potential to revolutionize medicine through nanotechnology reaffirmed my commitment to contribute meaningfully to this domain.

To further develop my skills, I pursued internships at leading research institutions, where I collaborated on cutting-edge projects. My time at XYZ Research Institute exposed me to state-of-the-art laboratory techniques and provided me with hands-on experience in conducting experiments. Additionally, working under the mentorship of distinguished researchers broadened my perspective and instilled in me a deep appreciation for rigorous scientific inquiry.

Beyond academics, I have been an active participant in scientific conferences and symposiums, where I presented my research findings and engaged in discussions with experts in the field. Being part of these events not only refined my presentation skills but also allowed me to stay abreast of the latest advancements in the realm of chemistry.

As I embark on my journey toward graduate school, I am eager to join the esteemed program at ABC University. The program's reputation for fostering an intellectually stimulating environment and its commitment to cutting-edge research align seamlessly with my aspirations. I am excited to work alongside distinguished faculty members and collaborate with like-minded peers, further honing my research skills and contributing to the advancement of chemical knowledge.

Beyond the academic sphere, I am eager to actively contribute to the university community, participating in chemistry clubs and initiatives. By fostering an atmosphere of knowledge-sharing and scientific exploration, I hope to inspire the next generation of chemists to tackle global challenges through innovative research.

In conclusion, my fervent desire to make significant contributions to the field of chemistry, coupled with my research experience and passion for scientific inquiry, motivates me to pursue a graduate degree. I am confident that the rigorous academic environment at ABC University will empower me to excel in my research pursuits and make a positive impact on society. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed faculty and like-minded peers, creating a brighter future through the transformative power of chemistry.

  • How To Write A Personal Statement For College

As an enthusiastic applicant for college, my academic journey thus far has been marked by a hunger for knowledge and a passion for personal growth. Throughout my high school years, I have embraced every learning opportunity with an open mind and a dedication to excellence. Witnessing the transformative power of education in shaping lives, I am eager to continue my educational journey at XYZ College.

During my time in high school, I challenged myself with a diverse range of academic subjects, from mathematics and literature to the arts and sciences. This interdisciplinary approach allowed me to discover my true passions and cultivate a well-rounded perspective on the world. Engaging in extracurricular activities, such as debate club and community service, further enriched my high school experience, reinforcing my belief in the value of intellectual curiosity and active involvement.

Beyond academics, I have been actively engaged in community outreach programs, dedicating time to support local charities and promote social awareness. These experiences have taught me the importance of empathy, compassion, and the power of collective action in effecting positive change.

As I contemplate my college journey, XYZ College stands out as the perfect environment to further nurture my academic and personal growth. The college's commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive community resonates deeply with my values, and I am eager to contribute to a campus culture that celebrates individuality and promotes understanding from different perspectives.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am excited to join XYZ College's vibrant student clubs and organizations. By actively participating in clubs focused on community engagement and sustainability, I aim to contribute my strengths and work alongside other students to create a meaningful impact both on campus and in the surrounding community.

In conclusion, my unyielding passion for knowledge, coupled with my commitment to making a positive impact, motivates me to pursue higher education at XYZ College. I am eager to embrace the college experience, further develop my talents, and discover new passions that will shape my future endeavors. With a deep sense of gratitude and excitement, I anticipate the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant community at XYZ College and seize the boundless opportunities that lie ahead.

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  • How To Write A Personal Statement For A Job

As a passionate and accomplished professional, I am excited to apply for the position at XYZ Corporation. Throughout my career journey, I have consistently demonstrated a dedication to excellence and a drive to make a meaningful impact in the field of marketing. With a proven track record of delivering results and a creative approach to problem-solving, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to the success of your esteemed organization.

My journey in marketing began with a focus on digital strategies and content creation. Over the years, I have successfully developed and executed innovative marketing campaigns that have driven significant brand awareness and customer engagement. Analyzing market trends and consumer behavior has allowed me to identify opportunities for growth and implement data-driven strategies to optimize performance.

One of my proudest achievements was spearheading a social media campaign that went viral, reaching millions of potential customers and boosting sales by 30%. This success not only showcased my ability to think outside the box but also demonstrated my proficiency in leveraging technology to achieve business objectives.

Beyond my technical skills, my ability to lead and inspire teams has been instrumental in driving success. As a marketing manager at my previous organization, I fostered a collaborative and inclusive work environment, motivating team members to excel and contributing to a 25% increase in overall productivity.

What truly excites me about XYZ Corporation is its commitment to innovation and customer-centric values. I am eager to collaborate with a talented team of professionals who share a passion for excellence and a drive to create meaningful solutions for our clients.

With an unwavering dedication to continuous growth, I am committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and adopting emerging technologies to drive business success. I am confident that my skills, experience, and passion for marketing make me an ideal fit for the role at XYZ Corporation.

In conclusion, I am thrilled about the prospect of contributing my expertise to XYZ Corporation and helping shape the organization's success in the dynamic world of marketing. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills align with the company's goals and contribute to its continued growth and success. Thank you for considering my application, and I am eager to contribute my best to the team.

Expert Tip

Looking for more examples? Check out our extensive guide on personal statement examples!

Personal Statements Topics

When choosing a topic for your personal statement, aim to showcase your individuality, strengths, and passions. 

Ready to start your personal statement? Pick out a topic from these: 

  • Overcoming Adversity: Share a challenging experience that tested your resilience and how you emerged stronger and more determined.
  • A Transformative Journey: Narrate a life-changing journey or event that shifted your perspective and shaped your aspirations.
  • Pursuit of a Passion: Discuss a hobby or interest that ignited your passion and influenced your personal growth.
  • Influential Figures: Describe the impact of a significant person in your life and how they inspired your goals.
  • Academic Curiosity: Highlight your enthusiasm for a specific academic subject or area of research.
  • Community Service: Showcase your commitment to serving others and the experiences that motivated your dedication.
  • Cross-Cultural Experiences: Discuss how exposure to different cultures enriched your understanding and broadened your horizons.
  • Leadership Journey: Share your journey in leadership roles and how you've influenced positive change.
  • Challenges in a Field of Study: Explore the complexities of your chosen field and your determination to tackle them.
  • Innovation and Creativity: Illustrate your innovative thinking and creative problem-solving abilities.

Remember, the best topic is one that genuinely reflects your unique journey and aligns with the purpose of your personal statement. 

Choose a topic that allows you to showcase your personality, values, and potential, leaving a profound impact on the reader.

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Do's and Don'ts of Writing a Personal Statement 

Crafting an impactful personal statement requires careful consideration and attention to detail. To help you create a compelling narrative, here are some essential do's and don'ts to keep in mind:



Be Authentic 


Start Early 


Follow Instructions 

Ignore Guidelines 

Showcase Your Unique Qualities 

Use Cliches 

Be Clear and Concise 


Highlight Relevant Experiences 

Include Irrelevant Details

Show Passion and Enthusiasm 

Sound Unenthusiastic 

Edit and Revise 

Submit Without Proofreading

Focus on Positive Achievements 

Include Sensitive Details

Demonstrate Growth and Learning 

Dwelling on Past Failures

Summing It Up,

your personal statement holds the potential to make a significant impact on your application. 

Stay authentic, showcase your strengths, and align your goals with the purpose of the application. 

With thoughtful reflection and clear expression, you can open doors to exciting opportunities and a promising future. Go forth and seize the opportunity to make a difference through your personal statement.

Ready to create a winning personal statement that sets you apart from the competition? 

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Our expert essay writing service is here to help you craft a compelling personal statement that showcases your unique qualities. 

Don't miss the chance to stand out and secure your dream opportunity. Visit our personal statement writing service today and take the first step toward a brighter future!

Barbara P.


Barbara P. (Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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