Dorothy M.
Dorothy M.

A Beginner's Guide to All 7 Narrative Essay Types

25 min read

Published on: Aug 11, 2023

Last updated on: Aug 15, 2023

types of narrative essays

Many students struggle to write a narrative essay, unsure where to begin or how to structure their writing.

Without a clear understanding of the different types of narrative essays, it can be difficult to create an effective narrative.

That's why we've created this comprehensive guide to the different types of narrative essays.

In this guide, we'll explore the different types of narrative essays and the characteristics that make them unique. From personal to fictional narratives, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how to craft compelling stories that will captivate your readers. 

So let's dive in and unlock the power of narrative essay writing!

A Quick Recap of Narrative Essays

Before diving into the different types, it's important to have a solid understanding of what a narrative essay is. At its simplest, 

A narrative essay is a piece of writing that tells a story, typically from the author's point of view.

Narrative essays can take many different forms, but they all share a few common characteristics. They are typically structured around a central theme or idea. 

Moreover, they use descriptive language and vivid details to create a vivid and engaging narrative.

Personal Narrative Essay

Personal narrative essays are a popular type of narrative writing that allow you to share your personal experiences with readers. 

Definition and Purpose 

The purpose of a personal narrative essay is to share an experience or event in a way that engages the reader. They are often written in the first-person point of view. 

Personal narrative essays can be based on real-life experiences or entirely fictional stories.

Characteristics and Features

Some key characteristics and features of a personal narrative essay include:

  • Use of first-person point of view to create a personal connection with the reader
  • A clear and well-defined central theme or idea that drives the narrative
  • A clear beginning, middle, and end that follow a chronological order
  • Use of dialogue to bring characters and events to life
  • A message or moral that ties the narrative together and provides a deeper meaning for the reader

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Personal Narrative Essay

Here are some tips and strategies to help you write a compelling personal narrative essay:

1. Choose a topic that is meaningful and personal to you
2. Follow a clear and logical structure that flows from beginning to end
3. Use dialogue to create a sense of immediacy and realism
4. Show, don't tell - use actions and events to convey your message or moral
5. Revise and edit your essay carefully to ensure that it is well-written and error-free

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts to help you get started with your personal narrative essay:

  • Write about a time when you faced a challenge or overcame an obstacle.
  • Describe a memorable event from your childhood that has had a lasting impact on your life.
  • Share a personal experience that taught you an important life lesson.
  • Write about a moment of great joy or sorrow that has stayed with you.
  • Describe a place that holds special meaning to you and why.

Here is an example!

Title: A Life-Changing Lesson

I was 15 years old when I learned a lesson that would change my life forever. It was a hot summer day, and my family and I had just arrived at the beach for our annual vacation. We had been looking forward to this trip for months, and I couldn't wait to spend my days swimming in the ocean and soaking up the sun.

On the second day of our vacation, I was playing in the water with my younger brother when I suddenly felt something wrap around my leg. At first, I thought it was seaweed, but when I looked down, I saw a large jellyfish clinging to my calf. The pain was excruciating, and I let out a scream that echoed across the beach.

My parents rushed over to see what was wrong, and my dad quickly scooped me up in his arms and carried me to our beach towel. My mom ran to the lifeguard station to get some help, and I lay there, writhing in pain, tears streaming down my face.

As I waited for the lifeguard to arrive, I couldn't help but feel sorry for myself. Why did this have to happen to me? I had been looking forward to this vacation for so long, and now it was ruined.

But as I lay there, something inside me shifted. I realized that my attitude wasn't helping the situation and that feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to make the pain go away. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on something positive.

And that's when it hit me: I was surrounded by people who loved me. My parents were doing everything they could to help me, and my brother was by my side, holding my hand and telling me everything would be okay. I realized that I had so much to be grateful for, even in the midst of this painful experience.

The lifeguard arrived and treated my jellyfish sting, and eventually, the pain subsided. But the lesson I learned that day stayed with me. I realized that life is full of unexpected challenges and that it's up to me to choose how I respond to them. I learned that gratitude and a positive attitude can make all the difference, even in the toughest of times.

From that day forward, I made a conscious effort to focus on the good in my life, even when things weren't going my way. And I can honestly say that that experience on the beach was a turning point for me. It taught me a lesson that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Memoir Essays

Memoir essays are a form of personal narrative writing that focuses on a specific period or event in the author's life. 

Definition and Explanation

A memoir essay is a type of personal narrative that focuses on a particular event or period in the author's life. Memoirs are typically non-fiction, although they may contain elements of fiction or creative writing. 

Characteristics and Features

Some key characteristics and features of a memoir essay include:

  • Focus on a specific period or event in the author's life
  • Use of descriptive language to create vivid imagery and sensory details
  • Use of first-person point of view to create a personal connection with the reader
  • Reflection and analysis of the events or experiences being described
  • A clear and well-defined central theme or idea that drives the narrative
  • Use of dialogue to bring characters and events to life

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Memoir Essay

Here are some tips and strategies to help you write a compelling memoir essay:

  • Choose a specific event or period in your life to focus on
  • Use reflection and analysis to explore the deeper meaning of your experiences
  • Follow a clear and logical structure that flows from beginning to end
  • Use actions and events to convey your message or moral
  • Be honest and authentic in your writing

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts to help you get started with your memoir essay:

  • Write about a pivotal moment in your childhood that shaped who you are today.
  • Describe a difficult decision you had to make and the impact it had on your life.
  • Reflect on a relationship that has been important to you and the lessons you've learned from it.
  • Write about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it.
  • Describe a personal transformation you've undergone and what you learned from the experience.

Here is an example!

Title: The Summer I Learned to Ride a Bike

Growing up, I was never very adventurous. I was content to spend my summer days inside, reading books and playing video games. That all changed when I turned ten and my parents decided it was time for me to learn how to ride a bike.

At first, I was terrified. The thought of falling and hurting myself was enough to make me want to give up before I even started. But my parents were determined, and they convinced me to give it a try.

We started small, with me just sitting on the bike and getting a feel for it. My dad held onto the back of the seat as I slowly pedaled around the driveway. I was shaky and unsteady, but I could feel myself starting to get the hang of it.

Over the next few weeks, we spent hours practicing. We went to the park and rode on the bike path, my mom running alongside me and cheering me on. I fell a few times, but it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

Eventually, I was able to ride on my own. It was the most exhilarating feeling I had ever experienced. I felt free and unstoppable like I could do anything I set my mind to.

That summer, I learned more than just how to ride a bike. I learned that sometimes the things that scare us the most can turn out to be the most rewarding. And I learned that with a little bit of determination and a lot of practice, I could accomplish anything.

To this day, I still love riding my bike. And whenever I do, I think back to that summer and the sense of accomplishment and pride that came with mastering a new skill.

Fictional Narrative Essay

Fictional narrative essays are a type of narrative essay that tells a fictional story. Let's have a look at the in-depth explanation of fictional narrative essays.

Definition and Explanation

Unlike personal narrative essays, fictional narrative essays are not based on real-life experiences.

The purpose of a fictional essay is to entertain the reader with an engaging story that has a clear plot, characters, and setting.

Characteristics and Features

Some key characteristics and features of a fictional narrative essay include:

  • Use of third-person point of view
  • Creation of a fictional plot, characters, and setting and building suspense. 
  • A clear and well-defined central conflict or problem that drives the narrative
  • Exploration of universal themes and ideas that are relevant to the human experience

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Fictional Narrative Essay

Here are some tips and strategies to help you write a compelling fictional narrative essay:

1. Develop a clear plot with a beginning, middle, and end
2. Create well-rounded characters with distinct personalities, motivations, and flaws
3. Use descriptive language and sensory details to create a vivid and immersive setting
4. Build tension and suspense by creating obstacles and conflicts that the characters must overcome
5. Use dialogue to reveal the characters' personalities and move the plot forward
6. Reflect on universal themes and ideas that are relevant to the human experience

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts to help you get started with your fictional narrative essay:

  • Write a realist fiction short story about a character who must confront their deepest fear.
  • Create a fictional world and describe the people and creatures that inhabit it.
  • Write a story about a character who discovers a hidden talent or ability.
  • Describe a character who must make a difficult choice between two conflicting desires.

Here is an example!

Title: The Lost Key

It was a chilly winter evening when Emily returned home from work to find that she had lost the key to her apartment. She frantically searched her pockets, purse, and even the pavement, but to no avail. As the sun began to set, Emily realized she was locked out and would have to wait until her roommate returned from their trip to get back inside.

Feeling helpless, Emily decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to kill time. She strolled down the street, admiring the colorful holiday lights and decorations on the houses. Suddenly, she heard a faint jingling sound, like the clinking of keys. Emily turned around to see a man walking towards her, holding a keychain in his hand.

"Excuse me, sir," Emily called out. "Did you happen to find a key around here?"

The man stopped in his tracks and looked at her with a confused expression. "No, I'm sorry. I haven't found any keys," he replied.

Emily sighed in disappointment and turned to walk away, but then she heard the jingling sound again. She turned around to face the man, who was now shaking his keychain. To her surprise, she saw her own key dangling from it.

"How did you get this?" Emily asked, reaching for the key.

"I found it on the ground a few blocks away," the man explained. "I was going to turn it into the police station, but then I saw you and thought I'd return it to you directly."

Emily couldn't believe her luck. She thanked the man and hurried back to her apartment to finally get inside. As she sat on her couch, she couldn't help but think about the stranger who had gone out of his way to return her key. She felt grateful for the kindness of strangers and knew that this was a moment she would never forget.

Autobiographical Essay

Autobiographical essays are a type of narrative essay that tells a personal story from the author's life. 

Definition and Explanation

An autobiographical essay takes an account of the author's life.  The purpose of an autobiographical essay is to share an important event, experience, or moment in the author's life.

Autobiographical essays are typically written in the first-person point of view. They can cover a wide range of topics, from childhood memories to significant life events.

Characteristics and Features

Some key characteristics and features of an autobiographical essay include:

  • Use of first-person point of view
  • Focus on a personal story or experience
  • Reflection on the Significance of the Experience
  • Exploration of the author's thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to the experience

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Autobiographical Essay

Here are some tips and strategies to help you write a compelling autobiographical essay:

1. Choose a specific event or experience from your life that is significant and meaningful to you
2. Reflect on the significance of the experience and how it impacted your life or changed your perspective
3. Be honest and authentic in your writing, and don't be afraid to share your thoughts and emotions
4. Use dialogue and characterization to bring the people and events in your story to life
5. Pay attention to the structure and pacing of your essay while narrating a story.

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts to help you get started with your autobiographical essay:

  • Write about a childhood memory that has stayed with you throughout your life.
  • Describe a significant life event that taught you an important lesson.
  • Reflect on a time when you faced a difficult decision and how you handled it.
  • Write about a person who has had a significant impact on your life and why they are important to you.
  • Describe a place or environment that holds special meaning for you and why. about a character who learns a valuable lesson about life or human nature.

Here is an example!

Title: A New Beginning

Growing up, I always felt like an outsider. As the only child of immigrant parents, I never quite fit in with my peers. My parents were strict and traditional, and I struggled to balance their expectations with my own desires and dreams.

But everything changed when I left for college. For the first time, I was able to explore my interests and passions without feeling guilty or ashamed. I joined clubs and organizations, made new friends, and even started writing for the school newspaper.

It wasn't always easy, of course. I still struggled with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. But every day, I grew a little stronger and a little more confident. I learned to trust myself and my abilities, and I discovered that I was capable of much more than I ever thought possible.

Looking back, I realize that leaving home was the best decision I ever made. It allowed me to break free from the constraints of my past and create a new future for myself. And while I still have a long way to go, I know that I have the strength and determination to make my dreams a reality.

In many ways, my story is not unique. Countless individuals have faced similar struggles and overcome similar obstacles. But for me, it was a journey that changed my life forever. It gave me the courage to pursue my passions and embrace my true identity.

And that, in the end, is what matters most. Because no matter where life takes us, we all have the power to write our own stories and create our own new beginnings.

Descriptive Narrative Essay

Descriptive narrative essays are a type that uses vivid and detailed descriptions to create a compelling story. 

Definition and Explanation

A descriptive narrative essay is written to transport the reader into the story and make them feel the experience firsthand. Descriptive narrative essays can cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences to fictional stories.

Characteristics and Features

Some key characteristics and features of a descriptive narrative essay include:

  • Focus on a specific event or experience
  • Use of first-person or third-person point of view
  • Development of characters and setting through description and action
  • Use of dialogue to bring the story to life
  • Clear beginning, middle, and end with a well-developed plot

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Descriptive Narrative Essay

Here are some tips and strategies to help you write a compelling descriptive narrative essay:

1. Choose a specific event or experience that has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
2. Develop your characters and setting through description and action
3. Use dialogue to bring the story to life and create an emotional connection with the reader
4. Pay attention to the structure and pacing of your essay, and make sure it has a clear and well-developed plot
5. Use transitions to connect different parts of the story and create a smooth flow

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts to help you get started with your descriptive narrative essay:

  • Write about a memorable vacation experience and the sensory details that made it special.
  • Describe a childhood memory that still brings you joy.
  • Write a fictional story that transports the reader to a different time or place.
  • Write about a personal experience that changed your perspective on life.
  • Describe a natural disaster or weather event that you experienced and the impact it had on you.

Here is an example! 

Title: A Walk Through the Park

As I step into the park, I am immediately greeted by the sweet aroma of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass. The sun is shining brightly, casting a warm and inviting glow over everything in sight. I can hear the joyful laughter of children playing in the distance and the soothing sound of birds singing in the trees.

As I walk down the winding path, I take in the picturesque scenery around me. The towering trees provide a natural canopy overhead, filtering the sunlight and casting enchanting shadows on the ground. The vibrant green leaves rustle in the gentle breeze, creating a peaceful melody that soothes my soul.

As I approach the pond, I am struck by its beauty. The crystal-clear water shimmers in the sunlight, reflecting the sky above like a mirror. The ducks and geese swim gracefully through the water, creating gentle ripples that disrupt the serene surface.

I find a bench and sit down to take it all in. The soft breeze caresses my face, and I feel at peace. The park is a sanctuary of beauty and tranquility, a place where I can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and simply enjoy the present moment.

As I leave the park, I feel rejuvenated and grateful for the experience. The beauty and serenity of the park have left a lasting impression on me, and I know I will return again and again to bask in its peaceful embrace.

Expository Narrative Essay

Let's have a look at an in-depth explanation of expository narrative essays here!

Definition and Explanation

An expository narrative essay aims to explain a concept, process, or idea through the use of storytelling techniques.

This essay combines the elements such as characters, setting, and plot, with the informative elements of an expository essay

Characteristics and Features

Some key characteristics and features of an expository narrative essay include:

  • Use of storytelling techniques to explain a concept or idea
  • Focus on a specific topic or theme
  • Clear and logical organization of information
  • Use of first-person or third-person point of view
  • Use of dialogue to bring the story to life

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Expository Narrative Essay

Here are some tips and strategies to help you write a compelling expository narrative essay:

1. Choose a topic or theme that you are knowledgeable about and that lends itself well to storytelling
2. Use storytelling techniques, such as character development and descriptive language, to engage the reader and explain the topic or idea
3. Use clear and concise language to explain the information and concepts you are presenting
4. Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points and make them more relatable to the reader
5. Use transitions to connect different parts of the story and create a smooth flow

Example Prompts

Here are some example prompts to help you get started with your expository narrative essay:

  • Explain the process of starting a small business through the story of a successful entrepreneur.
  • Explore the concept of perseverance through the story of a personal struggle or challenge you overcame.
  • Describe the history and cultural significance of a holiday or tradition through a fictional story or personal experience.
  • Explain a scientific or technical concept through the use of a narrative that illustrates its real-world applications.
  • Analyze a historical event or figure through a narrative that explores its impact and legacy.

Biographical Essay

Biographical essays are such essays that give an account of someone's life or experience. The key point is that the biography is written by someone else rather than the person themselves. 

Let's look at an in-detail explanation of the biographical essays.

Definition and Difference from Autobiography

A biographical essay is a form of writing that focuses on the life and experiences of a particular person. 

It is similar to an autobiography in that it tells the story of a person's life. The key difference is that a biographical essay is written by someone else, while an autobiography is written by the person themselves.

Characteristics and Features

  • Provides an overview of the person's life and experiences, focusing on the most important events and accomplishments.
  • Presents the subject in a positive light, while also acknowledging any flaws or challenges they may have faced.
  • Includes both personal and historical context to give readers a better understanding of the subject's life and times.
  • Often includes quotes from the subject and others who knew them well to provide insight and perspective.

Tips and Strategies for Writing a Good Biographical Essay

1. Conduct thorough research to gather as much information as possible about the subject's life and accomplishments.
2. Use a clear and concise writing style that is easy for readers to follow.
3. Use quotes and anecdotes to bring the subject to life and make the essay more engaging.
4. Focus on the most important events and accomplishments in the subject's life, rather than trying to cover everything.
5. Be objective and unbiased in your writing, presenting both the positive and negative aspects of the subject's life and experiences.

Example Prompts

Write a biographical essay on a historical figure who has influenced your life.
Research and write a biographical essay on a little-known inventor or scientist.
Write a biographical essay on a famous musician or artist, focusing on their creative process and inspiration.

Here is an example! 

Title: From Rags to Riches: The Inspiring Story of John Smith

John Smith was born into a poor family in a small town in rural America. Growing up, he never had much in terms of material possessions, but he was blessed with a loving family who instilled in him the values of hard work, determination, and perseverance.

Despite his disadvantaged background, John was a bright and ambitious student who excelled in his studies. He worked multiple part-time jobs to support himself and his family, but he never lost sight of his dream to pursue a college education.

After graduating high school with top honors, John applied for and received a full scholarship to attend a prestigious university. The transition from a small town to a big city was challenging, but John adapted quickly and continued to work hard to maintain his scholarship and make a name for himself in his field of study.

After completing his degree, John landed a coveted job at a top firm in his industry. He worked tirelessly, putting in long hours and sacrificing his personal life for the sake of his career. Despite the challenges, John remained focused on his goals and quickly climbed the ranks to become a top executive in the company.

Throughout his journey, John never forgot his roots or the people who helped him along the way. He established a charitable foundation to give back to his community and provide opportunities for underprivileged students to pursue their dreams.

Looking back on his life, John is proud of all that he has accomplished and grateful for the many blessings he has received. His story serves as a reminder that with hard work, determination, and a strong support system, anything is possible.

In conclusion, John Smith's life story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the resilience of the human spirit. His journey from poverty to success is an inspiration to us all, and a reminder that our circumstances do not define us - it is our actions and choices that ultimately shape our destiny.

Types of Narratives

While the terms "narrative essays" and "narratives" may seem similar, they are not interchangeable. 

Narrative essays are a specific type of writing that follows a structure and usually has a clear purpose or message. 

On the other hand, narratives refer to any kind of storytelling. It can be in written or spoken form and can be more open-ended in terms of structure and purpose.

Now that we know the difference between the types of narratives and types of narrative essays, let's have a look at the following narrative types.

  • Descriptive Narrative: This type of narrative essay focuses on describing a particular scene, event, or person in great detail. It aims to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind using sensory details, imagery, and figurative language.

For example

As I stepped onto the beach, the warm sand squished between my toes, and the salty sea air filled my lungs. I looked out at the vast expanse of blue, and the waves crashing against the shore created a soothing rhythm. The seagulls cried overhead, and the sun beat down on my face, warming my skin.

  • Viewpoint Narrative: In this type of narrative essay, the writer focuses on sharing their opinion or point of view on a particular topic. It can be based on personal experiences, research, or a combination of both.

An example of a viewpoint narrative is 

In my opinion, social media has both positive and negative effects on our society. On one hand, it allows us to connect with people from all over the world and share information quickly. On the other hand, it can also create a sense of superficiality and encourage comparison and unrealistic expectations.

  • Historical Narrative: This type of narrative essay involves telling a story based on historical events or figures. It typically includes a combination of factual information and creative storytelling.

Let's look at an example here

The American Revolution was a turning point in world history. With the colonies' victory over Great Britain, a new nation was born, founded on the principles of democracy and individual rights. The Founding Fathers' vision for a new nation inspired people around the world, and it remains a symbol of hope and freedom to this day.

  • Linear Narrative: This type of narrative essay follows a chronological order, with events presented in the order in which they occurred. It typically includes a clear beginning, middle, and end.

An example of a linear narrative is as follows

It was a hot summer day, and we decided to go for a hike in the mountains. We packed our backpacks with water and snacks and set out early in the morning. We walked along the winding trail, enjoying the views of the forest and the occasional glimpse of wildlife. After several hours, we reached the summit, and the panoramic view took our breath away.

  • Nonlinear Narrative: In this type of narrative essay, events are presented out of order. Flashbacks or other literary devices are used to create a more complex narrative structure. It can add depth and complexity to a story.

An example of a nonlinear narrative is as follows 

The memories came flooding back as I walked through the old neighborhood. I remembered playing tag in the park, riding bikes with my friends, and the time we got lost in the woods. But then my thoughts turned to the day my family moved away, and the pain and confusion I felt as a child. It was a bittersweet journey down memory lane.

In conclusion, understanding the different types of narrative essays can help you become a more effective and versatile writer. 

By recognizing the unique features and characteristics of each type, you can craft compelling stories and convey your message in a more impactful way.

If you're looking for expert help with your narrative essay writing, visit our top narrative essay writing service

Our team of professional writers can guide you through the writing process and help you produce high-quality, engaging essays that showcase your unique voice and perspective. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to our professional essay writing service and take your writing to the next level today!

Dorothy M.


Dorothy M. (Marketing)

Dorothy M. is a skilled freelance writer who has 5+ years of experience crafting content for clients in a vast array of industries. What sets Dorothy apart is her ability to provide personalized writing services that always meet her customer's needs while impressing their target audience.

Dorothy M. is a skilled freelance writer who has 5+ years of experience crafting content for clients in a vast array of industries. What sets Dorothy apart is her ability to provide personalized writing services that always meet her customer's needs while impressing their target audience.

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